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    Dave's Blog — inspiration

    Simple Life Coloring

    Simple Life Coloring

    I added a new item to the store today. It's a 20 page coloring book that I've been working on as a side project for awhile, so I'm happy to have it complete and available in the shop. I really enjoyed putting it together & now that I have it off my immediate list, I'm looking forward to doing more projects like this in the coming year. It was fun, & I hope you'll enjoy it. :)

    Portland Rocks

    Portland Rocks

    I added a new print to the store yesterday. "Portland Rocks" kind of depicts a some of the typical happenings here in the "Rose City"& this corner of the US. I created this illustration for a local magazine article recently, & thought I'd go ahead with a print too. Very colorful & have one hanging in my studio, as well. Only one size right now, but I may offer smaller prints in the near future. This was a fun project. Hope you'll enjoy this one. :)

    The Explorers

    The Explorers

    When I was a kid I always loved the thought of space travel. The possibilities were endless & exploring the backyard seemed just as adventurous as going to the moon, or mars. A cut out milk carton on your head, served quite well as a make shift space helmet. Tagging dog was always a must on such trips. Still dreaming. Still exploring. ;)

    Peaks & Paths

    Peaks & Paths

    One of the things I love about the Northwest are the seemingly endless paths & trails there are to explore. You never know where a new trail or opportunity will take you, but I always like the wonder of finding out for myself & others to follow. Go for it, and "Leave a trail..." :)

    New Item...Greeting Cards

    New Item...Greeting Cards

    I had 5 sets of cards printed as a test & thought they turned out quite nice. So they are now available in the store in a very limited quantity at the moment. I'm sorry, but sets can't be altered at this time.

    More will be available soon.