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    Dave's Blog — pdx parent

    Portland Rocks

    Portland Rocks

    I added a new print to the store yesterday. "Portland Rocks" kind of depicts a some of the typical happenings here in the "Rose City"& this corner of the US. I created this illustration for a local magazine article recently, & thought I'd go ahead with a print too. Very colorful & have one hanging in my studio, as well. Only one size right now, but I may offer smaller prints in the near future. This was a fun project. Hope you'll enjoy this one. :)

    Portland Map...

    Portland Map...

    This is still a work in progress, but a sneak peek of what's happening. This a project I'm working on with PDX Parent Magazine right here in the PDX (Portland, OR). This is my sketch for a color piece that will appear in their summer issue. A lot of fun for me to work on since I live here & can share this with the home town folks. 😁 Once everything is complete, I'll have posters, etc...available in the shop. More on that later. Stay tuned...