Three Bears Trio
Not only did the 3 bears have to contend with Goldilocks crashing their pad every night, but they had a busy Chamber Music schedule to keep up with too! 😃
Not only did the 3 bears have to contend with Goldilocks crashing their pad every night, but they had a busy Chamber Music schedule to keep up with too! 😃
Daily Drawing...I was visiting the east coast over the weekend. It's always good to see that side of the country, but always enjoy coming home to the mountains we have here. I sketched this one out on the plane trip back west. :)
My mom put up with 4 of us growing up, but she always seemed to find a way to smile through whatever chaos we caused for her...Thank you mom! :)
I had 5 sets of cards printed as a test & thought they turned out quite nice. So they are now available in the store in a very limited quantity at the moment. I'm sorry, but sets can't be altered at this time.
More will be available soon.
Living in's really hard too pass up coffee. I think it comes out of our faucets here! Whenever I get a cup that is totally blank, I can't resist! I posted this yesterday on Instagram & FB, & got a lot of good reaction & a few requests to buy. This one still has a little of my dark roast in the bottom, so I don't think this one will be sold. ;) I'm going to look into producing a few of these this week. Might show up in the shop sometime soon. Stay tuned...