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    Dave's Blog — humor

    Happy New Year and stuff!

    Happy New Year and stuff!

    Hey there…

    I haven’t posted here in quite awhile. So much happening these days, it’s hard to find time to cover everything I’d like to. However, with the change over to a new year I feel the urge to write more, and share a few thoughts. Since I have this space already set up…I might as well start here and now! 

    A couple weeks ago, I added my first self produced puzzle to the online store. I’ve done puzzles before, but this one was is directly from my desk and printed right here in Portland, Oregon by the Portland Puzzle Company. I am so pleased with the way it turned out, and how quickly I was able to make it available. The colors are very true to the original art, and the quality of the pieces and packaging is really first rate. Thank you Portland Puzzle! 

    It’s been fun to share this with family and friends, and also with several of you that have found it and ordered from the shop! Many of you from all across the US, and even a few were even shipped to Europe last week. Thank you so much. I’m grateful for your interest and appreciate all the kind comments on Instagram, Facebook, and here in the shop. I’m glad you like it…you’ve made my day several times! If you live in the Portland / Vancouver area, puzzles are also on sale at the Red Door Gallery and the Autumn Leaf Bookstore, both in Camas, WA. No shipping required! 

    That’s it for now, but I’ll try to keep you informed on what’s happening better this year. I’ll be posting on my regular spots on social media, but also here too. I’ve got lots to do this year and I look forward to sharing it all with you. I may even send out a long awaited newsletter…if I can figure that one out! Stay tuned… :)

    Happy New Year everyone…
    Let’s make 2025 a great one!🎉





    This sketch is still a Work In Progress, but a project that I've been eager to do for a long time. I enjoy creating detailed maps & such, and I've always wanted to make one of my hometown. This will be full color when it's complete. My plan is to create an 18 x 24 puzzle, posters, & maybe a few other items, as well. It'll be fun & I'll post more on it's progress later.

    Although I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for many years now, Chicago will always be home "no matter where I roam". I still enjoy visiting when I can, and still have family & good friends there. It is so, so big & with so many places to visit, it was difficult to choose what to highlight. So it came down to some basics. These are sights that I've visited many times, loved, & spark many great memories for me. When I was really young, trips to the "Loop" were magical to me. It was always exciting when my dad would pile us in the car for a trip "downtown". Whether it was a boat ride on the lake, an afternoon at the aquarium, or a day game at Wrigley Field, each trip was special. When I got older it was going for pizza to Uno's, Lou's, or Giordono's with friends that was so much fun. Chicago hot dogs, Mr Beef, Chicago Stadium...don't get me started. Maybe a story & drawing for another day.

    Being that we just past Father's Day last Sunday, I remember how fun it was for my dad to take us to these places. Sometimes it was all of us, but other times it was just the two of us with me riding shotgun. One particular trip I remember riding in the car with my dad, & we were driving north on Lake Shore Drive. Really a stunning view that day. I think we were going to Evanston, or something, but I asked him why are we going this way? This way is longer. I was a teenager then, & of course thought I knew everything. However, by that time my dad had traveled plenty in his job and seen just about every big city in the US & elsewhere. He said,"Well yes...but this is the most beautiful road I've ever been on & I can never get enough of it. So sometimes you take your time, & go out of your way a little to enjoy something that you really love." That was a long time ago now & dad has since moved on, but I'll always remember that little tip. Pretty simple, but so true. So whenever I'm in Chicago I still go out of my way to take the "Drive". Takes me longer most times, but it's those memories I love that makes it always worth it. :)

    I'm going to really enjoy this project. Stay tuned...

    Simple Life Coloring

    Simple Life Coloring

    I added a new item to the store today. It's a 20 page coloring book that I've been working on as a side project for awhile, so I'm happy to have it complete and available in the shop. I really enjoyed putting it together & now that I have it off my immediate list, I'm looking forward to doing more projects like this in the coming year. It was fun, & I hope you'll enjoy it. :)



    Do you like to color? I opened a new section of my store today for coloring downloads. Fun characters for any age. Many right from my sketchbook. I have only a handful in the shoppe right now, but I will be adding more, so check back if you're a coloring enthusiast! Just follow the link from my home page to have a look.

    Hope you enjoy! 🙂