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    Dave's Blog — sketch

    The Visitors

    The Visitors

    True Story...

    When I was a kid, my dad would put the trash out the night before pick up. This worked fine until the raccoons discovered this was a free meal & in the middle of the night they'd knock off the lid to the can & help themselves. This went on for a few weeks, & my dad decide to put a rock on top to keep them out, but...they knocked off the rock & had their meal. So my dad got a bigger rock, then a bigger rock after that, but still they got in. So one day my dad was at the department store & discovered a brand new item on sale in the garden dept..."the Critter Proof" trash can. A thing of beauty, that had latches & straps, & best of all...a guarantee! My dad had found the solution. Bought it, brought it home. Trash day came...he followed all the instructions...secured the capsule & confidently set it out for trash pick up the next morning. He had won! The next morning we were leaving for school & as we looked out towards the street there was trash spread all over the the front lawn. It was as if a bomb went off! Chicken bones, etc...everywhere! The can was no where to be found. The only thing that could be recognized was a portion of the lid with one of the straps still attached. We just stood there in awe of the destruction. Our neighbors smiled & waved as they passed by & saw us standing there amidst the field of rubbish with our mouths agape. My dad took a photo & sent it to the "Critter Proof Can Co." & remarked that their can was no match for our raccoons (a super breed like no other!). I'm sure the company got a good laugh from this & I don't think dad ever got a reply. We did get a good laugh out of it ourselves & it went down in family history as one part of the Great Raccoon saga that had numerous chapters. Life went on...the raccoons had made their point, & we accepted their victory & our sound defeat. I think my dad left the bones on top of the can the next week to finalize the truce. :)

    The Explorers

    The Explorers

    When I was a kid I always loved the thought of space travel. The possibilities were endless & exploring the backyard seemed just as adventurous as going to the moon, or mars. A cut out milk carton on your head, served quite well as a make shift space helmet. Tagging dog was always a must on such trips. Still dreaming. Still exploring. ;)

    Peaks & Paths

    Peaks & Paths

    One of the things I love about the Northwest are the seemingly endless paths & trails there are to explore. You never know where a new trail or opportunity will take you, but I always like the wonder of finding out for myself & others to follow. Go for it, and "Leave a trail..." :)